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Our vision, and what we pray and labor for, is not a bigger and bigger version of ourselves. Our vision is to see the Kingdom of God grow in our beloved city of Greenville.

By making a strong investment toward this vision now, we can play a vital role in spreading the good news of Jesus Christ and, by God’s grace, seeing all of Greenville flourish spiritually.


Video by Community Media.


So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth.
1 Corinthians 3:7


To see every avenue of downtown Greenville connected with the good news and loved well.

Downtown Presbyterian Church (DPC) is strategically planted in the heart of a city that is flourishing economically. As Greenville grows in population and influence, so should our presence as a gospel-centered congregation for the glory of God and the good of the city. By making a strong investment now, we can play a vital role in spreading the good news of Jesus Christ and, by God’s grace, seeing Greenville flourish spiritually.

Flourish is an initiative to celebrate what God has done in and through Downtown Presbyterian, and to invite members and friends to give generously toward its expanding mission in our city.

This involves three goals:

Cultivate soil

A thoughtfully-designed building on our current site will alleviate over-crowding and afford ample space to welcome new members and visitors. We will invite more of the city inside. Our plan includes an 800-seat sanctuary, doubling the current capacity; a large lobby to welcome newcomers; generous nursery areas and classrooms to nurture our children and youth; new opportunities for adult education and fellowship; and offices for our pastors and staff. The building is designed to meet our growing congregation’s needs, as well as to bless our downtown for generations to come.

Deepen Roots

As our membership increases, so does our opportunity to love and serve our Greenville neighbors, and to reach many more with the gospel. We will strengthen existing partnerships with local mercy ministries. Additionally, members called to art, medicine, law, education, hospitality, architecture, etc. will continue gathering and collaborating in their unique vocations and enriching their workplaces.

Bear Fruit & Plant New Seeds

DPC is committed to planting churches locally and internationally. Throughout Greenville, our members gather and share life in community groups, some of which will form the core groups of new church congregations. Internationally, we support Mission to the World and other missions organizations to see gospel-centered churches planted, flourishing and multiplying around the world.

Artwork by Douglas Piper.

Artwork by Richard Van De Water and Teressa Martin.

To download a printable version of this information, click HERE.


Learn about Flourish from DPC members.

Church members shared about how God has worked in their lives through DPC, and their feelings about the importance of generosity of time and resources toward the church’s vision and mission.


Charlie and Elizabeth Hall

Lee and Betsy Norwood

Videos by Community Media.

Hannah Willingham

Mike and Bev Swart


Today, Downtown Presbyterian Church is strategically planted in the heart of a city that is flourishing economically and in its influence.


Over 15 years ago, a few families began to dream about a new church in Greenville--one that would welcome unconvinced friends, but would also nurture and challenge believers.

The group began worship services in early 2004 at the Poinsett Hotel on Main Street. The congregation became an established local church in 2008, and that summer moved into its downtown facility (formerly an auto parts store) on the corner of Broad and West Washington.

Since that time, membership and capacity for outreach have grown. The staff continues to grow. Our second assistant pastor departed in 2016 to plant our first “daughter” church, Grace and Peace Presbyterian, in the Poe Mill Neighborhood. Our first assistant pastor departed in 2018 to plant a new church in Celina, Texas. Our people actively serve the community by partnering with local ministries, as well as by embodying the good news of Jesus Christ among their coworkers and clients in their vocations. Some DPC families are serving abroad in short- and long-term missional settings.

Flourish is an initiative to celebrate what God has done in and through Downtown Presbyterian, and to invite members and friends to give generously toward its expanding mission in our city.

Our vision, and what we pray and labor for, is not a bigger and bigger version of ourselves. Our vision is that the Kingdom of God would increasingly come to our city. Let’s give generously to help Downtown Presbyterian “grow from our roots” and play a greater role, by God’s grace, in seeing our beloved City of Greenville flourish.


ages 0-3.5


ages 3.5-5


ages 6-11


AGES 12-18


Adult Members

Adult Communing Members

In 2016, DPC planted Grace and Peace Presbyterian Church. During that year, membership at DPC continued to increase. While we do not presume now that past growth equals future growth, we found that planting churches is not the solution to space constraints.

Our building commission partnered with Good City Architects to produce this rendering of our future facilities.

This is the completed representation of our new facilities’ exterior. Representations of the interior are soon to be completed and presented to our congregation.

The rendering is positioned as though looking on from diagonally across West Washington Street. The Greenville Water building is across the street to the right, and Main Street is down the road to the left.

Our building commission worked closely with our staff and officers in order to represent our needs to Ron Geyer at Good City Architects.


Cultivate Soil

800-seat Sanctuary

Large Lobby

Generous Nursery Areas and Classrooms

New Adult Education Opportunities

Additional Office and Collaboration Space

Deepen Roots

Strengthen Existing Partnerships with Local Mercy Ministries

Enrich Workplaces

Bear Fruit and Plant New Seeds

Plant New Greenville Churches

Support Missionaries Planting Churches Internationally

Let’s give generously to help Downtown Presbyterian “grow from our roots” and play a greater role, by God’s grace, in seeing our beloved City of Greenville flourish.


We are first requesting all DPC members to continue their regular level of giving to the church’s operating account which will allow us to fund the ongoing cost of our ministry.  

Second, we are asking all members to give generously toward the $5 million campaign goal (our fundraising goal, as well as the breakdown of suggested gifts, was formulated with the advice and oversight of Generis). For us to reach this goal, we are inviting each member to consider making an additional financial gift to the church equal to their current operating account gift for the next three years, until December 2022 (Example: If a family is presently giving $5,000 annually to DPC, we are asking them to consider giving an additional $5,000 toward the Flourish initiative. In this example, their giving would total $10,000 each year - $5k to the operating account, $5k to the Flourish campaign until December 2022. The Flourish “pledge” would be $15,000, or three times their present annual giving.).  

Please know that these sorts of numbers are not meant to pressure you, nor to bind your conscience. Our intent in communicating a “target” is to answer the question, “What might this look like for my own giving?” You may be in a season where you aren’t able to give beyond what you presently give. Or you may be in a season of unusual surplus. No matter the size or method of giving, we are asking all members to seek wisdom from the Lord and, as the apostle Paul describes it, to “sow bountifully.” 

To be succinct, here is our request of all DPC members:

  • Pray for our church during this important season - for unity, renewal, and a spirit of generosity

  • Continue giving to DPC’s operating account at the current level

  • Prayerfully consider a pledge to Flourish of 3x your annual giving (or a gift to the campaign equal to your current annual giving for each of the next three years)

  • Complete and return a commitment card (online commitment cards available HERE)

  • Designate gifts to the Flourish initiative by writing “Flourish” in the memo line of paper checks, or by selecting “Flourish Initiative” from the online giving menu (see online giving instructions below)

  • Fulfill your pledge by December 2022 (four tax years)

Again, thank you for your faithful support of Downtown Presbyterian, as well as your ongoing efforts to connect every avenue of our city with the good news of Jesus Christ and to love our city well.


Our fundraising goal, as well as the breakdown of suggested gifts, was formulated with the advice and oversight of Generis.

Online Giving Guidelines

Members, regular attenders, and friends of Downtown Presbyterian Church can give online to the Flourish initiative by clicking HERE or by clicking any of the buttons labeled ‘Give Now’ located throughout this page.

Members and regular attenders will log in to their InFellowship accounts in order to give, while friends of DPC may click ‘Give Now’ at the top of the screen that appears.

Members and regular attenders:
Once inside your InFellowship account, click ‘My Giving’ from the list of menu items. To contribute a one-time gift, click the green ‘Give Now’ button on the right side of the screen. To schedule recurring gifts for the duration of the Flourish initiative, click the green ‘Schedule Giving’ button. Select ‘Flourish Initiative’ from the drop-down menu and complete your gift settings.

Friends of DPC:
After clicking the ‘Give Now’ button, select ‘Flourish Initiative’ from the drop-down menu and complete your gift settings.

Thank you very much for your prayerful consideration and support of Flourish.


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