Children’s Ministry

Nurturing young hearts toward growth in understanding of God's love.

Betsy Norwood, Children’s Director

Child Protection Policy
Wellness Policy

Children’s Church

Children’s Church is an age-appropriate worship opportunity offered to children 4-6 years old during the latter half of Sunday morning services. Children attend the first part of services with their parents in the sanctuary and are prompted by the worship leader to exit for class before the sermon. While in Children’s Church, children enjoy snacks (goldfish), Bible lessons and opportunities to build relationships with their peers. 

Please check in your child in the Children's Lobby at the check-in desk. Children are given name tags with a security tag and must be wearing the name tag to exit the sanctuary. When children are dismissed at the end of the Lord's Prayer, they will meet their teachers at the BACK of the sanctuary. They will walk together to their classrooms on the 2nd floor Children's hallway. Teachers will bring the children back down to the Narthex when communion starts. You will pick up your child in the Narthex and bring them back to the sanctuary so they may participate in the last song and receive the benediction as a church family.

*Parents are welcome to observe or participate in Children’s Church at any time.

Sunday School

During the school year, Sunday School is offered for children between Sunday morning worship services. The last day for Sunday School for 2025 is Sunday, May 25.

Sunday School classes meet on Sundays, 10:00-10:45 am. Students in K5-5th grade meet on the 2nd floor Children’s hallway. 

  • If your children are in k5-2nd grade, please pick them up from their classrooms.

  • If your children are in 3rd-5th grade, they will be dismissed at the end of class.

We ask that a parent or other designated adult remains on site during Sunday School.

Children are welcome to join a Sunday School class at any time throughout the school year. If you child has any special accommodations or has any food allergies, please let Betsy Norwood know or indicate it during registration. Food is not regularly served in Sunday School classes, but treats are occasionally offered.

*Parents are welcome to observe or participate in Sunday School at any time.