Community groups help answer the question, “How will the people in Greenville experience Jesus and share him with their neighbors?”

Why do we gather in community groups?

We invite you to learn more about being a part of our church by participating in community groups. Our groups are geographical and relational outposts where both believers and those exploring the truths of Christianity can engage the body and claims of Christ. Additionally, these groups remind us that the church is not a building–it is the people of God. Not only do community groups challenge our lives individually and personally, they also help us accomplish what we hope to see happen through the larger church as a whole. 

How are community groups structured?

The structure of our groups reflects our commitment to learning, connection, prayer and outreach. A typical meeting involves sharing meals, answering discussion questions (found on the right) regarding a passage of Scripture and praying with and for one another. Most groups are comprised of members and visitors, so church membership is not required in order to participate.  

The groups' locations and gathering schedules vary. Click the button below to search this criteria.

Get Connected To A Community Group

Interested in facilitating or helping start a new group?

  • Read this one page

  • Talk to your current CG facilitator 

  • Reach out to Sam Taaffe to talk more!  


Sam Taaffe, Assistant Pastor
Meredith Tuten, Church Life Administrator