Sunday School
at DPC

Fall 2024 Sunday School Classes

  • The Seven Deadly Sins: ‘Our Struggles with Sin Meet the Power of the Cross’ - Brandon Barrett

    We’ve heard them called “The Seven Deadly Sins,” and the implication is that these are the ones that will get you in real trouble with God. Before they were labeled “deadly,” though, they were known as the Seven Cardinal Vices--the common struggles of humanity. To live is to be tempted with the dangerous call of these Seven. Together, let’s learn and lean into a better way through the gospel. 

  • Predestination? Election? and Other Fun Topics! - Jeff Heiser and Sam Taaffe

    What is it that Presbyterians really believe about salvation? What makes God's grace amazing? This semester, assistant pastors Sam and Jeff will unpack the doctrines of grace and explain why we hold them so dear here at DPC. 

  • Passages You've Never Heard Preached: Genesis through 2 Chronicles - Scott Hultstrand

    Using passages you likely have never heard preached from Genesis through 2 Chronicles, we will grow in our love for God and his word, and gain experience and confidence in our ability to draw near to Christ by reading and studying the Bible and using it as a guide for our prayers.