A group of local artists who are also DPC members generously gave of their time and talents to create murals of Psalm 23 on the nursery room walls in our new building. These murals are now available as 8x10 prints for purchase & all the proceeds will go to caring for vulnerable children and families through our Adoption & Orphan Care ministry.

The prints are $10/each, or $50 for the full set of 6. Click HERE to reserve your print(s) today. We will take orders through the end of October and aim to have them ready for pick-up by the end of November.

Many thanks to artists Mary DuPre Caldwell, Mollye Spitler, Nicole Moody, Douglas Piper, Meredith Piper, Laura Sexton and Morgan Young for their work in creating these murals and making the prints possible.

The Lord is my Shepherd (Pink)

Surely Goodness and Mercy Will Follow Me All the Days of My Life (Yellow)

I Shall Dwell in the House of the Lord Forever (Blue)

He Prepares a Table Before Me (Orange)

He Makes Me Lie Down in Green Pastures (Green)

He Restores My Soul (Lavender)