Rescue Mission counselors will select guests for the Mentoring Program, and they will be matched with prospective mentors, supplied by partner churches. The Mentoring Program will increase guests’ chances of success when they leave Rescue Mission facilities, with mentors continuing to shepherd them after their exit.
The Rescue Mission is seeking Christian men who may be interested in becoming a mentor at Greenville Rescue Mission to immediately start mentoring with a commitment to attend the next training session. The program consists of a six-month renewable commitment from the mentor and mentee partner. Meetings are held weekly.
Mentor training is an opportunity for those who might be considering mentoring an Overcomer or for those who just want to know more about mentoring before making a decision. This training is required at least once for those who are mentoring or plan to mentor an Overcomer. Training materials are provided when you sign in for the training session on Saturday. There will be instruction and a chance to talk with others who have Overcomers mentoring experience. There will be breakfast and fellowship starting at 7:30, just prior to the training at 8 am.
To register, contact Tim Brown by Monday, June 17.