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Lessons & Carols

Join us in celebration of the coming of the Christmas season.

Lessons & Carols services are scheduled for 4 and 6:30 pm.

This year, we will hold two mini-receptions. The first, scheduled for 5-6:30 pm, will be geared toward young families, while the second, scheduled for 7:30-9 pm, will be geared toward adults and youth. All are welcome to attend the reception of your choosing, though please note the difference in light refreshments that will be available.

Please register children for care as soon as possible, as our nursery and children’s space is limited, and limits have been placed on the capacity of child registrations to be accepted for each service/room.

Contact: Ryan McMillen, Maddie Searcy

This year, our Lessons & Carols services will be held earlier (4:00 pm and 6:30 pm) to accommodate our young families. Historically, the first service experiences heavy nursery attendance, resulting in waiting lists for nursery rooms and very limited space for last-minute guests. We would like to request that if your children would be able, please consider attending the second service so that the nursery has a more even distribution of children between the two services and can, therefore, welcome unregistered visitors. Please reach out to Tiffany Mauk if you have any questions.

December 8


December 9

Music Club Concert