Meeting weekly January 17 - April 11.
We will be studying the book of John. More details to come. Childcare will be provided
The Women’s Ministry is making an effort to update our mailing lists. Please help us by registering to attend Women’s Bible Studies.
Click the registration button below. If you have not yet created in profile in InFellowship, you will need to click ‘sign up’ in the lower right corner. Enter your name and email address.
If you are a DPC member or regular attender, your new profile should connect you with our record of your family (contact Maddie Searcy if your family members do not appear in your profile). Click the family members that plan to attend the conference and proceed with your registration.
If you are a visitor, please sign up for a profile by entering your name and email address. This is the only information required, and it will not be used to contact you in any unauthorized way.